Thursday, February 14, 2013

Hearts Day

J and I don't normally join the bandwagon and go out on a date on V-Day. The traffic is too much to bear, plus almost all restaurants are fully booked (unless you made a reservation, of course)! Instead, he just gave me flowers, which our little girl absolutely loved, and had a simple dinner at home.

So what is it with Valentine's Day and why is it a big deal for couples? You don't have to wait for February 14 to come just so you can go out on a date, right? Why wait for V-Day to make a girl feel extra special? Why give her flowers on V-Day and not on, say February 15 or any day? It's like an ordinary day after all. You don't have to wait for Valentine's Day to express how you truly love and care for your special someone. Show him/her everyday before everything is too late!

And to all single ladies (and men) out there, don't feel bad! So what if you've been spending Hearts Day alone. Why care if you're not out there, eating fancy food at a fancy restaurant with your special someone. Being single isn't bad. It gives you more time and opportunity to focus on yourself and other things that you care about, unlike those who are in a relationship. And maybe, that special someone is not yet ready to meet you or you already met him/her, you just didn't notice. Have fun and enjoy life being surrounded by family and friends who care about you! :) 

Valentine's Day is not just about couples, it's for EVERYONE. Be it single, in a relationship, married couples or whoever, celebrate Hearts Day with the people you genuinely love and care for. And don't wait for February 14 to show how much you appreciate your special someone. Spread the love! 

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